Dancing Info
We have a face book page called Whitby Dance Club
Contact details Sandra Ridley Secretary 07796 404549 Tony Nadin Treasurer 0151 677 4550
Dance Tickets: Cilla Smith at cilla.smith@talktalk.net at Social ballroom dancing £5 per person. Thursday 7.30 - 10.30pm
Fancy a bit of that strictly feeling? Want to impress your partner with a Rumba or Waltz then come and join our ballroom dance section.
We are a social ballroom dance club that include a small amount of teaching for beginners and intermediate. Please bring a partner. Lessons start at 7.30pm beginners and 8.20 for Intermediate following by an evening of social dancing. Three times a year we host ticketed events for everyone to enjoy. Tickets will be available during the evening or by contacting any of the above people.
Sandra Ridley 07796 404 549